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Importance of WDO Inspections

WDO inspections are essential for maintaining the structural integrity of properties and preventing costly repairs. They help identify not only termites but also other wood-destroying organisms such as carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and wood-decaying fungi. Proactively addressing these issues can significantly extend the lifespan of a home and protect its value​

Limited WDO Inspection

A limited inspection focuses on specific areas of the structure as requested by the client. This type of inspection is useful when there is a known or suspected problem in a particular area, such as an attic or a specific room. While it can provide detailed information about that area, it doesn't offer the same comprehensive overview as a complete inspection. Limited inspections are often used when a homeowner notices signs of infestation or damage in a specific part of their home and wants to address it without inspecting the entire property or just wants a tenting ( All encompassing treatment) 

Complete WDO Inspection

A complete inspection involves a thorough examination of the entire structure, including the exterior, interior, attic, substructure crawl space, and basement. Inspectors look for a wide range of issues such as termite activity, dry rot, fungus damage, excessive moisture conditions, and any other factors that could lead to infestation by wood-destroying pests. This comprehensive approach ensures that all potential problems are identified, offering a complete picture of the structure's condition. Complete inspections are typically required for real estate transactions, refinancing, and when the homeowner wants to be aware of all potential issues.



If you are a homeowner who:

  • Has noticed specific signs of damage or infestation in a particular area of your home

  • Prefers a quick and minimally invasive inspection focused on the problem area

  • Is decisive and knows exactly which treatment you want and need a cost estimate

  • Seeks immediate feedback on the issue in question and recommendations for targeted treatment

Then a Limited WDO Inspection is right for you.

This focused inspection addresses your immediate concerns without the need for a comprehensive evaluation, saving you time and providing the necessary information to resolve specific issues promptly and efficiently.


If you are a homeowner who:

  • Values thorough and detailed evaluations of your property to ensure no hidden issues

  • Cares about the long term value and salability of your home.

  • Owns a larger home with multiple areas that could potentially harbor wood-destroying organisms

  • Seeks peace of mind knowing your entire property has been inspected, including hard-to-reach areas

  • Prefers professional advice and detailed recommendations for any necessary repairs or preventative measures

Then a Complete WDO Inspection is right for you.

This type of inspection will cover every part of your home, ensuring all potential problems are identified. It is ideal for those who want to maintain their home's value and provide solid proof of its condition, especially when preparing for a sale soon or long into the future.

Not sure which one you need? Don't worry our free consultation will help you through the process so that you can be comfortable with the direction you choose


Approximately 30 years ago, a visionary termite company owner in Southern California revolutionized the industry by offering free termite inspections. This innovative marketing strategy quickly gained traction, forever changing how termite inspections were perceived in the region.

However, this well-intentioned shift brought unintended consequences. Highly skilled, state-licensed wood-destroying organism inspectors were gradually transformed into salespeople. Over time, the quality of professionals who once proudly called this their trade began to erode.

Imagine this scenario: one day, you’re a well-compensated inspector, diligently assessing properties and identifying every potential issue. The next day, your livelihood depends solely on your ability to close sales, effectively transitioning you from a respected inspector to a commission-based salesperson. This fundamental change not only altered the nature of the job but also affected the trust between inspectors and homeowners.

As these changes took hold, homeowners, having experienced the aggressive sales tactics, grew skeptical. They started seeking multiple bids to ensure they were receiving genuine and unbiased service. This shift fundamentally discounted the importance of a thorough inspection, except for the few homeowners who recognized and valued quality. As a result, whether a company was chosen often depended more on the salesmanship of its representatives than on the meticulousness of its inspections.

Over time, two distinct types of homeowners emerged: those who simply wanted a bid for fumigation and those who understood that a full inspection was essential for an accurate and comprehensive proposal.

Today's industry terminology reflects this transformation. When most termite companies advertise a "free" inspection, they often mean a brief, 15-20 minute bid based on a quick assessment of the home's style. True, complete inspections, which take time and expertise, have become rare but are still offered by a few dedicated companies.

This evolution in the industry explains why homeowners became wary. The transition from thorough inspections to sales-driven interactions eroded trust and quality, leading them to seek multiple bids in hopes of ensuring fidelity and honesty in service. The industry, once built on meticulous inspections and expertise, now often hinges on the persuasive abilities of salespeople, fundamentally altering the landscape of termite control in Southern California. It took great people who loved solving problems and made them sales people.


At Halo Home Services, we understand and appreciate the unique needs of every homeowner, whether you're looking for a straightforward bid or a comprehensive inspection. That's why we employ only the best inspectors, ensuring you receive top-tier service no matter your requirements.

Every visit from Halo Home Services begins with a free consultation. This essential step allows us to understand your specific situation and determine which type of inspection will best serve your needs. Whether you require a limited inspection for a quick assessment or a complete, in-depth evaluation of your property, our expert inspectors are equipped to provide the highest level of accuracy and detail.


By tailoring our approach to each homeowner, we ensure that you receive the most effective and reliable termite inspection and treatment plan. At Halo Home Services, your peace of mind and satisfaction are our top priorities. Experience the difference of working with professionals who truly care about your home.

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